Special notice for PayPal Account users only:
be sure the stored credit card info has an unexpired date.
Also try to use a browser other than Safari if possible.
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Also try to use a browser other than Safari if possible.
If you plan to use your Credit Card or PayPal to pay your dues PLEASE READ THIS:
After you complete the registration form and click PayPal Button, the PayPal screen presented will give you the option to use your PayPal account or simply pay using your credit card. Regardless of which one you choose be sure to complete the process and reach the screen that indicates payment has been made and confirmed before exiting PayPal. Completing a credit card payment DOES NOT create a PayPal account.
Wording on PayPal screens sometimes makes it sound like you are buying a product, simply consider the membership as the product. When you click the PayPal button your form will be emailed to the treasurer and that person will be notified when your payment is confirmed on PayPal.
If you are using a PayPal Account be sure the card on record does not have an expired date - check your account. Also please use a browser other than safari.
2017 Cody WY Reunion Information
4 October thru 7 October 2017
Room rate at the Holiday Inn$169.00 per night.
phone number is 307-587-5555
There is a Comfort Inn $ 139.00 per night next door
phone number307-587-5556
Everyone must be register by Sept 4th 2017
Registration is fee $175.00 per person include the welcome and fare well dinner
The reunion coordinator phone 406-861-3777.
Decom Stories
The links below have stories and video.
Ray Godfrey and I were representing the Plankowners and the Association.
Some of the articles discuss my work with Stoller and how that relates to the ship.
Please enjoy. (Note: All links may not work correctly at all times.)